First, create a config file. A sample is provided in \Program Files\OpenVPN\config\sample.ovpn.txt. Edit this file and save to a .ovpn extension. Now, run OpenVPN by right clicking on the .ovpn filename and selecting “Start OpenVPN on this config file”. You can also run from a command prompt window: openvpn --config sample.ovpn

sudo service openvpn start < vpn-name > to manually start the VPN. sudo service openvpn stop < vpn-name > to manually stop the VPN. < vpn-name > is the config file name without .conf extension . located in /etc/openvpn and without the < > Before you start make sure that you have already set up OpenVPN connection. If not, you can find Manual Setup Tutorial depending on your OS there: Manual Setup section. If you are using our new OpenVPN servers (basically if your config file name starts with “str” letters), you need to make sure that you will be not asked for login and password on every connection attempt. sudo systemctl enable openvpn-something@server.service this self-made files (created by enable) does nothing and could be removed later. But for now you should find the one works well with this commands without causing any error: sudo systemctl stop sudo systemctl start

For Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and up, enable the OpenVPN service to run while booting: # sudo systemctl enable openvpn@client.service; Reload the daemons: # sudo systemctl daemon-reload; Start the OpenVPN service: # sudo service openvpn@client start; Reboot and test if it is working by checking the external IP: # curl If curl is not installed: I did it on a CentOS box with the following command inserted into /etc/rc.local: openvpn --config /path/to/file.ovpn & The commands in that file are executed after every multi-user runlevel finishes booting and unlike adding it to a startup script it will not slow down your boot if the VPN takes long to setup, but some people would call this a hack. You operate VPN connection by starting/stopping/disabling the OpenVPN-Contoso service. When set to start Automatically, it will connect on boot. The Group Policy Client service does wait for a while on boot to see if any DC becomes available. Jul 11, 2017 · On the client laptop, click the Windows Start button and navigate to All Programs > OpenVPN. Right click on the OpenVPN GUI file and click Run as administrator. Note that you must always run OpenVPN as an administrator in order for it to work properly.

Jan 17, 2017 · Then it’s time to pinpoint what program you want the task to start. Click on Browse. Find the file named OpenVPN-gui.exe. You should find the file in one of the following two directories on your computer. C:\Program files\OpenVPN\bin or. C:\Program files(x86)\OpenVPN\bin This requires a special note because you either have one or the other.

This provides a fairly good and secure starting point for an OpenVPN client and server to start talking to each other. And when certificates are used, the first level of authentication is already added. Only clients with a certificate signed by the CA identified in ca-crt.pem will be accepted on the server.